Beyond Transformation

Beyond Transformation

The key to any good marketing pitch is to differentiate your brand. Quickly. As attention spans shrink, every turn of phrase needs to spark interest or consumers move on. Disengage. The number one word to strike off your list?  Transform. A quick Google search on ‘storytelling’ recently turned up 219 million hits; ‘SEO’ bagged 592 million; and ‘transform’ nailed a whopping 2.12 billion hits. Everyone, it seems, transforms something. Top of the list: weight loss, dry cleaning, airport security, car wash, your life (because…why not?), digital transformation (459 million hits alone), Transform 2.0.

Transformation used to be punchy, but its time is past. Perhaps it will return—these things tend to be cyclical—but for now don’t transform; instead, go beyond transformation. Dig a little deeper. Add specificity. Uniqueness. Are you transcending a broken system? Creating a new paradigm? Annihilating roadblocks? Because your brand deserves attention.

Why are you Creating that Piece of Content?

Why are you Creating that Piece of Content?